Myopia Control

Myopia Control

Protecting Your Child's Vision

Myopia is among the most widespread vision problems, and it’s on the rise worldwide: it’s predicted that by 2050, nearly half the global population will have myopic vision.

School-aged children use their sight in the classroom regularly, as 80% of class content is presented visually. Struggling to focus on the board can cause frustration and a lack of motivation. Help your child achieve clearer vision with myopia control at StylEyes.

What Is Myopia?

Myopia, commonly called nearsightedness, describes the condition where you can see close objects clearly, but more distant objects are out of focus or blurred. It’s considered a refractive error that occurs when the eyeball is too long from front to back or the cornea is too curved.

Our Myopia Control Practices

At StylEyes, we offer multiple methods of myopia control.

Soft Contact Lenses

In recent years, soft contact lenses have been developed for myopia control in children. Multifocal contact lenses have proven effective in slowing myopia progression. These lenses are worn during the day and have a bullseye shape, with outer and inner rings that use different corrective methods.

These lenses offer the benefit of being soft and comfortable and keep your little one free of frames that could potentially be damaged at play.

Gas Permeable Contacts

Gas-permeable contact lenses are used overnight to control myopia in children. Also called ortho-k (orthokeratology) or corneal reshaping contacts, the rigidity of these lenses gently reshapes the cornea during sleep. This means that, generally, no corrective lens needs to be worn during the day.

​​​​​​​A benefit of these lenses is that they’re long-lasting and only used at night. However, they may have an adjustment period that your child finds uncomfortable.

Atropine Drops

Atropine is a topical eye drop that has a mild freezing effect on the eye’s focusing mechanism. It’s used to dilate the pupils during eye exams, but low doses have been used for extended periods to slow myopia in children.

​​​​​​​Atropine drops are placed in the eye at night. Low doses of the medication have proven to have minimal side effects and seem to slow the eye’s growth slightly, minimizing the progression of myopia.

The Importance Of Early Intervention

There is no cure for myopia, but its progression can be slowed. Early intervention is critical with myopia; not only does it offer your child a chance at clearer distance vision, but it can prevent the development of high myopia.

High myopia
is a more severe form of myopia. If left unchecked, it leads to higher instances of cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal detachments.

​​​​​​​Since your child’s eyes are growing along with the rest of their body, the time is right to help curb the progress of their myopia using proven techniques. Come in for a children’s eye exam to discover what therapy may work best for your child.

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